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Current contact

Fortunat Rajaona, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher

Dept. of Computer Science

University of Surrey, UK

s.rajaona (at) surrey.ac.uk

Fortunat Rajaona, Ph.D.

AIMS—South Africa Alumnus

fortunat (at) aims.ac.za

Fortunat Rajaona, Ph.D.

DAAD Alumnus


Research Interests

  • Analysis of privacy in cryptographic protocols
  • Multi-agent Epistemic Logics (modelling agents knowledge, knowledge dynamics, strategy, ...)
  • Formal Methods in Computer Science (model checking, formal program refinement, ...)
  • Development of Model Checkers (mainly Haskell and a little bit of Python)
  • Visual Techniques for Solving Logical Puzzles

More on my Research page

Other Interests

  • Holistic Education
  • Education and Development in Africa

My academic adventure (if you got time)

When I started my undergraduate studies in Mathematics at the University of Antananarivo in 2006, I did not know what sort of career to expect. I did not know what kind of works mathematicians do, and I never dreamed to be a teacher or a lecturer. But I studied maths because it was my favourite subject at school. I especially enjoyed plane geometry, probability, mechanics, math puzzles and jokes!

I got my Diplome de Maîtrise en Mathematiques avec mention bien in 2009 . A few months later, I was selected by the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) to pursue the AIMS programme. Then began my international academic adventure. At AIMS, we were taught very exciting Mathematics by renowned professors like Tadashi Tokieda and Alan Beardon. There, I also met many fellow students from other African countries, as well as from Europe and America. It was a unique experience for me, because in Madagascar I never had the chance to meet other young Africans or Europeans. I decided to stay at AIMS for five more years, doing my MSc and my PhD with Jeff Sanders. During that time, I got married and had my first child.

In 2016, I moved to Germany to look after my family while my wife was working at the University of Bonn. I was a visiting researcher at the MOVES group of the University of Aachen. After 1,5 years in Germany, we decided to go back to Madagascar. We lived in Fort-Dauphin (a beautiful place in the South of Madagascar) during the second half of 2017, but we did not manage to secure a job there. So, we moved back to Antananarivo, where I worked as a contractual lecturer at the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS) between 2018-2019. Teaching at the ENS was a wonderful experience. I could use what I learned abroad and I had resourceful students. However, the work conditions were hard for a contractual lecturer (vacataire). I did not know any influential politician to get me hired as a permanent lecturer. I also could not get any job in the private sector, so I looked for opportunities abroad. In 2020, I got my current postdoc position at the University of Surrey; and the adventure continues.

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